Monday, June 15, 2009

The Sprouts

My first grade class is called "the Sprouts." (We were SUPPOSED to be "the Brussels Sprouts" but everyone made fun of me when I said the first word had an 's' at the end...) My co-teacher and I have 12 students and one tutor per student. I have no idea how one teacher and one aide could ever teach a class on their own. My kids were pretty well behaved and I still realized how much I needed to rely on the help of others. 

The tutors are mostly high school students from South Carolina (I think). They did a great job today of helping the students but not giving them the answers. They were really encouraging of the kids, too. 

I have the afternoon off for planning, and Tuesday and Thursday I'll be teaching Art in the afternoons. I got to be a part of the worship team today, so I sang along with the praise band, taught the kids a song, and got to pray for the day at the end. If you don't know, singing in public is normally out of my comfort zone. Doing anything in front of a group is WAY  outside my comfort zone. But today was really fun, and I'm excited to keep leading the kids in worship. God is really amazing with answering prayers for safety, strength, energy, excitement, love, and He definitely came through again in my nervousness about today. 

During math time, I walked over to one child to see how he was doing, and he got a big grin on his face and said to me, "I love this class!" I have no idea what I'm doing. God is so good.

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